If you get a package in the mail, it’s tempting to use your teeth, isn’t it? But resist that urge! Using your teeth as tools can harm your smile. It can dislodge, crack, or chip a tooth. However, you certainly aren’t the only one who has done so. Just watch this fun video about Thomas Edison using his teeth to hear the piano keys:
Can you imagine what his dentist probably said?
Find out more tips about taking care of your smile when you come in for your appointment. We can also repair any damage to your smile with restorative care. Plus, we’ll discuss changes you want to make with your oral care routine and do a thorough cleaning and exam.
Schedule an appointment at Willes Dental by calling 760-576-2214 for our Encinitas, CA office or 760-477-0338 for our Escondido, CA location. You also can contact us online.